The Gospel of John | Full Movie 2003

1 month ago

The Gospel of John | Full Movie 2003


0:00 - Introduction to the Gospel of John

4:35 - John baptizes Jesus in water and the Holy Spirit comes down from Heaven.

7:51 - Jesus chooses his disciples

12:57 - Jesus performs His first recorded miracle at a Wedding

16:30 - Jesus cleanses the Temple

20:12 - Jesus and Nicodemus

23:36 - John the baptist exalts Christ above himself as the bearer of the truth.

25:36 - Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well

31:30 - Jesus heals the government official’s son

34:39 - Jesus heals the paralyzed man

38:35 - Jesus Claims to be the Son of God

43:14 - Jesus feeds the 5000

47:16 - Jesus walks on the water

49:53 - Jesus the Bread of Life

57:40 - Jesus and His Brothers

1:02:14 - Guards Are Sent to Arrest Jesus

1:05:12 - The Woman Caught in Adultery

1:13:37 - Jesus and Abraham

1:16:07 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

1:24:17 - The Parable of the Shepherd

1:30:37 - The Death of Lazarus

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