TheDimStream LIVE: Merry Christmas! Red One (2024) | Dear Santa (2024)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET!


MudderFetcher r+catjam r+radiatingheart r+catjam r+radiatingheart r+catjam
You wouldn't believe how many people are talking about movies tonight. Like, I've got this one Discord server with these harpies that I already had to bail on so I could hang with you dazzling ladies.

MudderFetcher I hope there's animal news...I love animal news

Qriist Supporter+ @MudderFetcher well, we established today that birds aren't real, which means Plop is just a figment of Beverly's imagination. That seems like news worth talking about.

Qriist Supporter+ Echoed the Penis

MudderFetcher Beverly is putting her life on the line for comedy you ungrateful bastards! lol

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly got lumberjacked.

Qriist Supporter+ I like how at the same moment Beverly is detailing getting stuck in the curtain, her video lags and she gets caught in the same frame.

MudderFetcher I just imagine Beverly going around pulling the "I worked with Kevin McDonald." card lmao

Qriist Supporter+ don't knead your dog

MudderFetcher wingslap baby wingslap 🎵

Qriist Supporter+ You don't need to put up with this insane level of domestic agoose, Beverly.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly is bored with traditional Christmas movies. She's waiting for A Very Dahmer Christmas.

Qriist Supporter+ Screw Christmas movies. Just binge your ATCU movies and call it good. (Aurora Teagarden Cinematic Universe)

Qriist Supporter+ the term is air gapped

Qriist Supporter+ I think you're thinking of Lucifer

MudderFetcher Lucifer's actual name is Dave

Qriist Supporter+ No, I meant the show.

Qriist Supporter+ Lucifer.

Qriist Supporter+ In Lucifer, Hell is a series of individualized personal hells that the damned are capable of leaving once they resolve their guilt. The doors aren't even locked.

Qriist Supporter+ air gapped = a totally offline computer

Qriist Supporter+ you need physical access to hack it

MudderFetcher preferably sucked up and then off

MudderFetcher my wife was also very happy about Missy btw 😻

MudderFetcher I was thinking Half-Elf for Beverly because she's tall and mixed

Qriist Supporter+ Warframe randomly implemented a dating sim in the latest patch and EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE is hornyposting. I hate the system, I despise the dialogue, and I may completely check out from the game.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist You know you want it.

Qriist Supporter+ Yeah you went into Stardew knowing its a dating sim.

Qriist Supporter+ That's very different.

MudderFetcher the Switch version of Hogwarts breaks-up a few areas due to RAM but it's supposedly very much all there

MudderFetcher I always get sorted as Hufflepuff...yeah I see it lmao

MudderFetcher cat butt everyone drink

Qriist Supporter+ The cyberfucking is baked into Stardew from the get-go. Warframe shoved it in a decade after launch. That's different from a new way to kill things.

Qriist Supporter+ And, the minigame side content isn't a requirement to progress. The dating sim system is.

Qriist Supporter+ And beyond that, a lot of my enjoyment of the game comes from reading the forums/reddit to theorycraft builds. That has been completely side-swiped by CONSTANT hornyposting.

MudderFetcher Hogwarts Legacy can/will pull your info from the Wizarding World website

MudderFetcher my wife is SUPER into Harry Potter in she has a tattoo lol

MudderFetcher Hufflepuff room is basically the kitchen

MudderFetcher or right next to rather

MudderFetcher not interested in most music released after the year 2000...lemme know if that happens to y'all in 10 years for 2010 and beyond lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Post Malone is bussin. On god.

JQuickDraw Supporter No cap.

MudderFetcher I'm still dealing with Nirvana on the Classic Rock station

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher Well, Cobain is dead, so that makes it classic. Just get murder-- kill yourself, I mean, and you can be classic rock.

MudderFetcher Devo?

JQuickDraw Supporter What about Devo?

MudderFetcher a lot of my old artists = the singers done died (Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, etc.)

Qriist Supporter+ Avril Lavine gonna be on the classic rock soon

MudderFetcher to me, Classic Rock is 60s and 70s

JQuickDraw Supporter Justin Beiber should be on classic rock stations.

Qriist Supporter+ Styx <3

JQuickDraw Supporter Styx are a seriously underrated rock band.

MudderFetcher Nirvana on the Classic Rock station doesn't bother me as much as say Poison lmao

Qriist Supporter+ Renegade, Queen of Spades, These are the Times... some of the best songs ever

JQuickDraw Supporter I find that older artists still creating music usually don't have the edge like when they were younger. Some can still follow their muse, but most get comfortable with success.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Deep cuts from the first couple of albums - Lorelei, Light up

JQuickDraw Supporter Man in the Wilderness

Qriist Supporter+ @JQuickDraw my winamp lol

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist I fully approve lol

JQuickDraw Supporter And you have stuff from the crystal ball album too (Clair De Lune?), good stuff

MudderFetcher if you haven't seen Tommy Shaw on Live From Daryl's House:

Qriist Supporter+ Renegade's appearance in Supernatural was 🔥

JQuickDraw Supporter Metallica are an 80s band (at least their actual metal stuff). Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets are stone cold classic albums.

MudderFetcher that whole Tommy Shaw episode is fantastic

Qriist Supporter+ Ennnter butt! Exxxit pain!

JQuickDraw Supporter Ride the Lightning Rod

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly:

Qriist Supporter+ Metallica is a Napster band lol

MudderFetcher my wife can't hear Come Sail Away without thinking of Cartman lol
OakPoke Supporter+ Funny @MudderFetcher
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening and Merry Christmas Ladies.
OakPoke Supporter+ Merry Christmas chat.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Merry Christmas
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Ride the lightening was a good one for sure.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke I vacillate day by day which album I think is better lol. Ride is raw, they were younger. Master is more polished. I love love love Call of Ktulu and Welcome Home.

Qriist Supporter+ I also vaccinate day by day.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Booster McGee

Qriist Supporter+ Enhanced with horse paste!

MudderFetcher if you can flip-through bullshit on your phone for an hour then you can just play some Zelda
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw I don't blame ya. I even liked ther 90s stuff tbh. I liked ride the lightening and the self titled or black album the best (i think)

JQuickDraw Supporter I liked the black album. I consider that the last Metallica album lol.
OakPoke Supporter+ I can dig it.

JQuickDraw Supporter "I need 4 ostriches." - Beverly for president 2028
OakPoke Supporter+ Twitter and video games are probably better than meth

Qriist Supporter+ I identify as a people y'all already have.
OakPoke Supporter+ My normie account was permanently suspended 6 weeks ago or so for calling out the colonization of Canada by indians. Wasn't even trying to be edgy

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke You bigot. Indigenous POCs don't colonize. They spring up from the dirt.
OakPoke Supporter+ Accurate.

Guyinroom83 Wow you're doing a show on boxing day?!?

JQuickDraw Supporter I avoid social media, unless I'm promoting my OnlyFans.
OakPoke Supporter+ Duck duck goose or Duck duck grey duck? Here, we say Duck Duck Grey Duck

Qriist Supporter+ "This game is fun because I won."

MudderFetcher I still get both dice and food sensitivity stuff

Guyinroom83 Wtf? Grey duck?
OakPoke Supporter+ I was told it is a Minnesota thing, but assumed everyone said duck duck grey duck lmao

MudderFetcher Purple Duck Is Best Duck

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 It's a British duck, spelled with an "e."

Guyinroom83 Ducke Ducke goose @JQuickDraw

JQuickDraw Supporter Duke Duke Earl

MudderFetcher Alex and vehicles just don't mix lol

Guyinroom83 I heard it was crazy buggy when it came out, but I thought it got fixed

MudderFetcher Cyberpunk pre-order rube had good bones and I'm totally not coping

Guyinroom83 See you in project 2025!
OakPoke Supporter+ Project 25 sounds based and fun pilled
OakPoke Supporter+ Good night and God bless.

MudderFetcher good night lovely people 💜 🍻
OakPoke Supporter+ waves

Guyinroom83 Byeeee

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the 19th was Bill of Rights day?

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy New Year

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