He’s coming 2

2 months ago

More incredible stories. Of the times we live in. On the cusp of the complete implosion of evil.
Is it possible these kids overheard There parents talking? I supposed it is a possibility. But I do believe some of these kids did have dreams. They did have visions that came to them. The mind of a inocente child. Sees things a corrupted mind of a adult. Simply can not. Why do you think meditation works? Because you empty your mind. Of all the chatter and noise. Your In your most vulnerable state. With the mind of a child. Open to what comes to you. Without calling out to it.
Or like sweat lodges, or spasiffic drugs. Your mind is open and vulnerable to things you normally could not comprehend.
This can be a double edge sword. If your not protected before hand. Prayer truly is the protection.
Many years ago I had, what I can only refer to. As a spiritual attack. It was squeezing and tearing at me inside. After several moments. Out of desperation. I ask Christ for help. I was not a religious person at all. But at that very moment. All the pain immediately went away. I am still a sinner. But I am much more careful what I do. And whom I trust.

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