Boeing Whistleblower Report Shows Defense Contractors Are Robbing Taxpayers

2 months ago

Listen up American Taxpayers

A Boeing Whistleblower Report shows defense contractors are robbing taxpayers, the government did an investigation and found

- Boeing charged an 8,000% markup on 44 generic soap dispensers. costing taxpayers an extra $150,000
- Boeing overcharged $300,000 for retainer bands
- They marked up transmitters 3500%, costing taxpayers an extra $142,000

(Images of each item are included in the video and they will make you furious)

“In fact, the government couldn't even determine fair pricing for over half of the parts audited. And the report is actually infuriating”

“In total, the government overpaid $1,000,000 for 12 parts, but it's most likely more.”

“These are the same people who spend $10,000 on a toilet seat.”, The same toilet seat they spent $10k on was found to be replicated for $300…. We are being robbing blind


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