Is DNA Contamination of mRNA Injectables A Risk to Health? FDA Advisor Claims Not

1 month ago

Dr Paul Offit is one of the most prominent Principal Investigators for the (until recently) Fauci-led National Institutes of Health (NIH) research programs which channel billions of dollars of taxpayer funds into the pharmaceutical industry every year. A strong collaborator with Big Pharma, who fund most mainstream media, he also features regularly across US television screens where he assures the public that they are in safe hands.

Dr Offit is a vaccine developer, based at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, who has received many millions of dollars from both the NIH and most vaccine manufacturing companies.

As an advisor to the USA Food and Drug Administration, the general public assume Dr Offit to be independent from conflicts of interest. This could not be further from the truth. Ignoring all of his other conflicts of interest, the FDA receive 65% of their budget directly from the industry they purport to regulate.
Dr Offit not only promotes vaccines, but he is also a staunch supporter of GMO foods and chemical pesticides, whilst denying the benefits of nutrition, vitamins or integrative medicine. (Read The Real Anthony Fauci for more information on Dr Offit's conflicts of interest).

He recently shared this video to the public, to provide reassurance that the DNA contamination detected in vials of Pfizer and Moderna are "harmless" and integration into human cells is "impossible".

To understand Dr Offit's dishonesty and obvious role as a product marketer rather than an honest scientist, see the response to this by geneticist Kevin McKernan, whose work identified the DNA contamination, at

Dr Offit's video was shared at

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