From Bethlehem to Eternity

2 months ago

#Christmas #Sermon #GodWithUs #Immanuel #Isaiah714 #Matthew123 #JesusBirth #Incarnation #EmmanuelMeaning #GodsPresence #HopeInTrials #EternalHope #HolySpirit #GodsPromise #Revelation213 #ChristmasMessage #GospelMessage #JesusLifeAndResurrection #ChristianFaith #GodsLoveAndGrace #ChristmasCelebration #BiblicalProphecyFulfillment #SalvationThroughJesus

Welcome to From Bethlehem to Eternity—a powerful sermon exploring the incredible story of God’s promise fulfilled in Jesus Christ. This Christmas message dives deep into the heart of biblical truth, unpacking the significance of “Immanuel,” meaning God with us (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23). From the humble manger in Bethlehem to the eternal hope of Revelation 21:3, discover how God’s presence transforms our lives.

In this video, we reflect on how Jesus’ birth wasn’t just a historical event—it was the Creator stepping into our brokenness to bring salvation. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus bridged the gap between humanity and God, offering us eternal life and a restored relationship with Him. Today, through the Holy Spirit, we experience “God with us” personally, guiding and strengthening us in every season.
This sermon also looks forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise: eternity with Him in a new heaven and earth where there will be no more pain or tears (Revelation 21:4). Let this message inspire hope in trials, purpose in sharing the gospel, and joy in worship as we celebrate God’s love.

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