We have always been shown a lot in films and series

2 months ago

DECLAS👉 Bombshell Photo Surfaces of a Young Barack Obama with Big Mike. https://amg-news.com/bqqqm-join-me-on-another-red-pill-journey-michelle-obama-presents-michael-lavaughn-deep-state-satanic-nwo-tranny-also-known-as-michelle-obama-enjoy-the-show/


White Hats have been tinkering with the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) at Mount Weather but declined to say why a team of Army Network Communication Specialists (MOS 25H) arrived at the subterranean fortress on December 12 and are still there.

As reported in March 2022, White Hats, in a daring assault, seized FEMA’s secret stronghold and control of the EBS that lay within, taking significant casualties in a gunfight through the labyrinth. White Hats have since held the mountain despite, according to sources, despite three attempts by FEMA to retake it on behalf of the Deep State. https://realrawnews.com/2024/12/white-hat-secretive-about-ebs-upgrades-at-mount-weather/

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