Polio Vaccine Fraud-DDT Poison Causes Polio?

7 days ago

This is a short but informative video about polio and the fraud that "vaccines" can help anyone. Satan is the great deceiver.
The Kazarian Jewish mafia are name-changers and name-stealers. "Polio" never went away, they just renamed in to "Guillain Barr Syndrome" and other names so that we would not catch on to this greatest deception. Do you wonder why I allow no needles in my skin?
I am vaccine damaged by the polio shot that I has when I was young. That was 55 years ago. I have three curvatures in my spine that were unexplained...until now.
DDT is a very toxic, deadly poison that was in those polio shots. The Jews are probably still putting DDT in shots today. Why not? The same old tricks and lies that worked then are still working today. If the Palestinians are coming down with polio, it is being given to them by these Jews. We watch as these Satanists murder millions of Palestinians in front of our face, and most people do nothing. Some "Christians" in the Luciferian 501(c)(3) churches even cheer on this murder while failing to realize that they are next.
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