Interview with the CEO of Raise - George Bousis | Blockchain Innovation with Synopsis: #GiftCards

1 month ago

🎙 Speaker: George Bousis
▪️ CEO at Raise

#Raise #GeorgeBousis #GiftCards #crypto #blockchain #Web3


1. Please introduce Raise. We know you are in the conventional gift cards industry, and backed by #PayPal among other things.

2. Why blockchain? And why did you choose #Polkadot specifically?

3. The newly established Retail Alliance hasn't revealed it's members yet. Can we know the scale of participating companies? Are they limited to the United States only?

4. Why the gift card industry needs blockchain technology?

5. In your experience, what is the main thing that sells retailers on on-chain loyalty programs?

6. Major brands have tried and later shut down consumer programs, primarily built around NFTs. How will consumer loyalty via gift cards on chain differ from those projects we’ve seen already?

7. Could you tell us your next steps after Retail Alliance Network & Foundation are up and running?

8. What's your advice for Synopsis viewers?

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