Ep. 48 You're Ready to Lead When You Pass This Test + Messianic Misinformation w/ Matthew Miller

19 days ago

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Matthew Miller pastors the Vineyard Fellowship in Johnson City, TN with Scott Hillman. He and Scott brought their two assemblies together into one and help lead a team of pastors to fulfill the roles of a five-fold ministry: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Pastor/Shepherd.

We talk with with Miller about his life and the lessons he endured to learn spiritual authority and submission, summarized in Proverbs 15:3b "before honor is humility." We also discuss the widespread repugnance toward tithing rife in the Torah community, as well as the general rejection of pastors and authority and the fallout that creates.

Miller is also the biblical instructor and Hillman the president of ACTS Biblical Training Center, which teaches regenerative agriculture, traditional skills and biblical studies. Hillman's Galatians and Biblical insights courses are live and include instruction on gardening, food preservation and more to come.

Connect with Matthew Miller:
- Vineyard Fellowship: https://vineyardjc.com/
- Appalachian Center for Torah Studies (A.C.T.S.) Biblical Training Center: https://actsbtc.com/home
- Hebrew Minster's Alliance (Apostolic leadership training): https://www.hmatn.com/

Five-Fold Ministry Assessment Tests (which we discussed):
- Free: https://anthonyhilder.com/fivefoldtest/
- Paid: https://5qcentral.com/product/apest-vocational-assessment/

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Torah Sisters Magazine! Use code: LIFE for $5 off your first issue: https://store.torahsisters.com/ Get the only (gorgeous!) lifestyle magazine for Torah observant women mailed to your home every other month!

THE WAY documentary, a film which tells the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like their Savior. Learn more and buy your DVD, digital download or 10 hr Extended Edition at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-way-documentary

THE TRUTH: REFORMATION 2.0 is a light-hearted, hard-hitting apologetics book from the creators of The Way documentary. It's the first book of its kind to offer systematic, biblical answers to every mainstream Christian objection to Torah observance. Learn more and get your copy (digital or paperback) at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/thetruth

THE CHRISTMAS QUESTION documentary: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-christmas-question This documentary unravels the history of the holiday and explores the implications for today's Christians. This film answers the question: Is it a sin for Christians to celebrate Christmas?

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