Testigrip for sale at boerred

2 months ago

A product to help Livestock farmers with proper castration. As a cattle producer I know the frustration of losing money at the market for steers that are actually still bulls because a testicle was missed.
TestiGrip was developed to help hold the testes in places so there is no slipping or loss of testes with castrating while using your castration pliers.
With the TestiGrip you can have a faster application of the band. You wont be fumbling to hold on to the testes and have free hands to use the castration pliers. There is a lot of pressure to have speed and accuracy when you have a protective cow or sheep wanting her baby back.

Bring both testes into scrotum. Apply TestiGrip by sliding narrow opening on neck of scrotum. Place castration pliers tightly against TestiGrip. Pull both testes up through band. Release band and remove TestiGrip.
(Only release band if you have both testes) otherwise start over.
☆ I prefer to do castration with calf laying down. But TestiGrip will work with calf standing too.

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