Sage of Quay® - John Lennon - Dec 1980 interview: 'I don't want to have to sell my soul again...'

2 months ago

Thank you Billy Watson for passing the clip along. Interestingly, at the 31:25 mark of the full interview (link below), when John says 'I don't want to have to sell my soul again, as it were,' the word 'AGAIN' is edited out. The dialog in this clip is sourced from a copy of the interview that Billy Watson had, where the word 'again' has not been edited.

Here is the full interview (with the word 'again' edited out):

This interview is said to have been recorded 12 hours before the assassination of John Lennon (December 8, 1980).

The interview took place at the Dakota Apartments (Lennon's home at the time) and was conducted by multiple interviewers, including Dave Sholin, Laurie Kaye, and Bert Keane.

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