1973 Harry O TV Movie David Janssen

2 months ago

1973 Harry O, Such Dust as Dreams are Made On. Before the official episodes of the great TV series called "Harry O", starring David Janssen started in Sept 1974, there were two pilots released.
This first one, from March 1973, was a short film length pilot, which actually became known as episode zero for the first season.
Almost a full year passed, and another pilot dropped - this one a full film length episode.
I presume there were some doubts as to whether the series would get released after this first pilot episode, but the second one seemed to do the trick, as only another five months passed until the first official episode was aired.
And what a totally fantastic series it was - lasting for two seasons, and 44 more episodes - with David Janssen becoming a legend in the process as private eye Harry Orwell - or just Harry O.
After of course first becoming a legend in the sixties in "The Fugitive"
This first pilot episode has a strong cast, including Martin Sheen, Margot Kidder and Sal Mineo.

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