What's the Difference Between Bible Versions? The Battle Over Christ’s Divinity | Changing the Word

2 months ago

Are all Bible translations the same? What is the best Bible translation? What do we need to be aware of when choosing which Bible to read? See a near-exhaustive comparison of modern Bible versions with the King James Version in this episode. What changes have been made in modern translations that rob Christ of His divinity? This episode takes a hands-on approach to evaluating Bible versions and exposes Satan’s attack on Christ through modern Bible versions. Find out what’s been changed and why.

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Verses effected [1:16]
Jehovah's Witnesses' Bible [2:29]
Dublic Review 1881 [5:42]
What modern bible societies say [7:04]
Bible verse on secret initiations [10:00]
How they changed verses refresher [12:50]
2 Samuel 21:19(NIV vs KJV) [13:29]
2 Samuel 23:5 (NIV vs KJV) [14:14]
Hosea 11:12 (NIV vs KJV) [14:30]
Matthew 5:44 (RSV vs KJV)[15:00]
Matthew 18:11 (RSV vs KJV) [15:27]
Matthew 20:16 (RSV vs KJV) [15:59]
Matthew 20:22, 23 (NIV vs KJV) [16:41]
Matthew 25:13 (NIV, ESV vs KJV) [17:32]
Matthew 24:36 (NIV vs KJV) [18:21]
Mark 2:17 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [19:30]
Mark 6:11 (RSV VS KJV) [20:20]
Mark 10:21 (RSV,NIV,ASV VS KJV) [21:41]
Mark 10:24 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [22:26]
Mark 13:14 (? vs KJV) [23:37]
Luke 2:14 (RSV vs KJV) [24:42]
Luke 4:4 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [25:29]
2 Timothy 3:16 (ASV VS KJV) [26:45]
Luke 55, 56 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [27:46]
Luke 22:43,44( RSV VS KJV) [28:50]
John 10:14 (RSV VS KJV) [29:38]
Acts 28:29 (RSV VS KJV) [30:26]
1 Corinthians 10:28 (RSV VS KJV) [31:57]
Revelation 14:5 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [32:53]
Revelation 22:14 (RSV, NIV ASV VS KJV) [33:26]
Luke 4:8 (RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [34:14]
Acts 13:42 RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [35:29]
Acts 16:7 (RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [37:23]
1 Corinthians 5:7 (RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [38:56]
1 Peter 1:22( RSV, NIV VS KJV) [40:46]
2 Timothy 4:1 (RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [41:57]
Hebrews 7:21 (RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [43:28]
John 5:39 ( RSV, NIV VS KJV) [44:48]
John 2:11 ( RSV, NIV VS KJV) [46:15]
Matthew 18: 2, 3 ( RSV, NIV VS KJV) [47:08]
John 1:3,4 ( RSV VS KJV) [47:35]
Hebrews 11:3 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [48:00]
Colossians 1:15,16 (RSV VS KJV) [49:53]
Hebrews 1:2 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [50:37]
Ephesians 3:9 (NIV vs KJV) [50:58]
Colossians 1:14 (RSV,NIV DOUAY VS KJV) [52:09]
1 Corinthians 5:17 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [53:01]
Matthew 24:3 (RSV VS KJV) [54:06]
Phillipians 3:20,21 (RSV, ASV, VS KJV) [54:41]
2 Thessalonians 2:2 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [55:47]
Titus 2:13 RSV VS KJV [56:17]
Revelation 1:7 RSV, ASV VS KJV [56:55]
Acts 3:19,20 [58:08]
Mark 7:19 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [59:01]
Luke 23:44,45 RSV, Moffat VS KJV [1:00:13]
1 Corinthians 7:5 RSV vs KJV [1:00:42]
John 9:4 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:00:49]
2 Timothy 4:1 RSV vs KJV [1:01:47]
1 Corinthians 11:29 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:02:05]
James 5:16 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:03:14]
Hebrews 10:21 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:04:00]
Acts 15:23 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:04:29]
Hebrews 9:27 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:08:31]
Luke 1:72 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:10:13]
1 Peter 4:6 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:11:27]
Acts 24:15 (RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:12:05]
Job 19:26 NASV VS KJV [1:12:27]
Job 26:5 RSV, NIV VS KJV) [1:12:58]
2 Peter 2:9 NIV VS KJV [1:13:51]
Revelation 13:8 RSV VS KJV [1:14:19]
1 Corinthians 15:3,4 NIV ASV, RSV VS KJV [1:14:51]
1 Corinthians 11:24 RSV VS KJV [1:15:19]
Hebrews 9:28 [1:15:41]
These versions proclaim victory over Protestantism and support Catholic doctrine [1:15:55]
John 7:8 RSV VS KJV [1:17:30]
Matthew 6:22 RSV VS KJV [1:18:21]
Titus 2:13 (covered already) [1:18:29]
Isaiah 7:14 RSV vs KJV [1:19:03]
Psalms 45:6 [1:20:12]
Hebrews 1:8 [1:20:37]
Proverbs 8:22 [1:21:02]
Daniel 3:25 [1:21:31]
Micah 5:2 [1:21:42]
Matthew 1:25 [1:22:05]
Matthew 1:16 [1:22:22]
Luke 2:33 [1:22:44]
Matthew 13:51 [1:23:08]
Matthew 19:16,17 [1:23:34]
Matthew 27:35 [1:24:50]
Matthew 2:15 [1:25:32]
Mark 15:3 [1:25:50]
Mark 15:28 [1:26:15]
1 John 4:3 [1:26:22]
Mark 16:9-20 [1:27:06]
Matthew 6:13 [1:27:15]
Luke 11:2 [1:27:34]
Luke 11:2-4 [1:28:22]
Luke 24:40 [1:28:34]
Luke 24:51,52 [1:28:46]
John 3:13 [1:29:02]
John 6:33 [1:29:18]
John 6:47 [1:29:43]
John 16:16 [1:30:14]
John 16:23 [1:31:23]
Acts 2:30 [1:31:46]
Acts 8:36, 37 [1:32:22]
Acts 9:29 [1:32:46]
Acts 22:16 [1:33:15]
Romans 1:3 [1:33:30]
Romans 9:5 [1:33:42]
Romans 14:10 [1:33:58]
1 Corinthians 5:47 [1:34:22]
1 Timothy 3:16 [1:34:37]
1 John 5:7 [1:36:01]
1 Peter 4:14 [1:36:38]
Revelation 1:11 [1:36:53]
Revelations 5:14 [1:37:02]
Matthew 4:4 [1:37:22]
St. Catherines protector story [1:38:03]
On-stage comparison [1:42:27]

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