maybe you can't tell but i can tell that i've been singing hymns

2 months ago

it was so good before i started this video
i glower at myself, per usual
this is the face of wrath, sooo good at internalizing it
marijuana dispensaries are way more open to comedy
i guess this is now the golden age of drug use
legalizing weed federally is a mistake but they love screwing over the general public so that's what they're fixin to do
this dude knew soooo much, very impressive
ag is pretty funny any way you look at it
it's better when it's on the spot
not that i ever could do that but if i would do that...
it actually wasn't shaking which is weird cos that's the bumpiest part of the road
i like this angle way more
i love it when it bounces
vibrato is way more feminine but staccato is just how we do it most of the time anyway
i can be the man on stage
i know i talk w/ such confidence but you have to understand that i am delusional
women make demands on society but they'll never be satisfied why i do this
running n hiding from everybody...yeah that definitely makes sense right now
this car is just amazing, so smooth like a little go-cart
take care of yourself frank, original non-creepy fan
cool that i can get people that make more conventional decisions
the way i look at the world just makes me not wanna fuck
making a baby should be the BEST feeling n yet...
i guess i think there are better ways for me personally to better the world
schizo on the outside, housewife on the inside
we got the married to the house part down

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