Energetic Influence - S01E10: The Lives From Ancient People 2 Now is Unfolding as Scriptures State

1 month ago

The Energy of Modern life and understandings equating then and now.

Timing of our lives for now vs the timing of the lives of ancient people.

Electronic technology is exponentially accelerating and advancing us toward all fulfillment of prophetic scripture. This is made possible from behind the scenes in two places. The openly societally accepted Geopolitical groups and the Shadow parts of the same. Then you have the unseen Spiritual Realm and its hierarchies of power. both good and bad, positive and negative energy. The timing of our lives for now vs the timing of the lives of ancient people.

* Printing press 
* personal computer 
* cell phone 
* quantum computing & entanglement
* DNA manipulations, which links back to the hybrid Nephilim.
Timing of our lives for now vs the timing of the lives of ancient people.

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