U.S. Biolabs In Africa

3 months ago

Africa has become a focal point of interest for the US government, which views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous pathogens and a testing ground for experimental medical treatments, the Russian military has reported.
The Deputy Head of Russia's biosecurity forces has accused the United States of 'spreading pandemics' via a network of biolabs. U.S. see Africa as infection reservoir, using it to test bioweapons. America has always put African in the front of its testing ground for biological annihilation. How and why does America and the west see Africa as a threat or unworthy, this has always been an emphasis mentality of contempt.
Degeneracy begins In The MIND! These fallacies and disbelief today divulge how demented the process of thinking the U.S. government possess, all rooted in difference and fears of the other.

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