That's the Pleiades, also known as the "Seven Sisters." M45.

14 days ago

🔭 Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen a cluster of bright stars forming a small group?

That's the Pleiades, also known as the "Seven Sisters." M45.
This star cluster, located about 444 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus, has fascinated humanity for centuries.

🌠 Amazing facts:
🌟 They are made up of more than 1,000 stars, although only 7 are visible to the naked eye.
🌟 They have inspired myths and legends in cultures around the world, from the ancient Greeks to the Mapuche in Chile.
🌟 They are a "seedbed of young stars," just 100 million years old.

👁️ Fun fact: In modern astronomy, this cluster helps us understand star formation and the composition of our galaxy.

🔮 Did you know? In ufology, many believe that the Pleiades could be home to advanced civilizations watching us from the cosmos.

🌌 What do you think? Just stars or something more? Leave us your theories in the comments. 👇

#M45 #pleiades #astronomy #NightSky #MessierCatalog #astrophotography #SevenSisters #NightSky #MysteriesOfTheUniverse

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