✨💖 Meditate on Cosmic Light to Experience Life-Changing Miracles, Inner Peace, and Spiritual Growth🙏

1 month ago

⭐✨Daily Cosmic Meditation: For Inner peace & spiritual growth | Awaken the Divine Light in you 🙏
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Love & Light of One Creator |Aura and Chakras cleansing using the White celestial light and the green healing light | Cut all the unwanted, unauthorized Cords from your energetic body | Create Energy shield, a bubble or circle around your energetic body using the White light of the one infinite creator | meditate on the Nature Spirit beings symbols | meditate on Five Elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Akash or Space 🙏📿

Experience a transformative journey with this Divine White Light Meditation, calling upon the One Infinite Creator for healing and peace. Cleanse your aura and balance your chakras—from the crown to the root—with golden white light and green healing energy from Mother Earth. Visualize the release of negative energy cords and create a protective bubble of white celestial light. Embrace deep gratitude for the higher mind, infinite intelligence, and the five elements (earth, water, wind, fire, and sky). Send love and light to the world, connect deeply with your spirit, and transform your daily life. Meditate daily and uplift yourself and others. 🌿✨💛

Keywords: Meditation, Divine White Light, Chakra Healing, Aura Cleansing, Gratitude, Mother Earth, Higher Mind, Daily Meditation, Spiritual Awakening, Love and Light, Energy Healing, Inner Peace, One Infinite Creator, Connect, Transform.
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00:01 Begin meditation with white light from the One Infinite Creator.
00:07 Ask the Creator to shower you with divine white light through your crown chakra to the solar plexus chakra.
00:42 Request Mother Earth to bless you with green healing light through the root chakra.
01:03 Cleanse your aura, chakras, and multiple bodies with golden white light and green healing light.
01:34 Cleansing begins from the crown chakra down to the root chakra.
02:23 Cut off unauthorized energy cords and release them to an imaginary tree, fire, or sea.
02:29 Create a protective bubble or energy shield using the white celestial light of the Infinite Creator.
02:50 Express gratitude for your holographic body, which helps you achieve your soul’s purpose.
03:20 Thank the Infinite Intelligence for watching over all your energy work.
03:45 Express thanks to the five elements: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, and Space.
04:10 Ask the higher mind to send love and light energy to everyone who comes in contact with you through your thoughts deeds and actions as well as those of others
04:45 Express thanks and gratitude to the nature Spirit beings Center, Expand, Balance, Prepare, Express, Extend, Unlock, Flow, Receive Relate, Realize, Act, transform Connect and Manifest
06:02: Continue to shower the Earth with love and light emanating from the heart continue to say Thank you
➡️ This video is inspired by the teachings of Sadhguru, Master Co, and his Guru, the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It also draws from the spiritual insights of Dr. Joseph Murphy, Dr. Deepak Chopra, metaphysical writer Stuart Wilde, ET Channeler Bashar/Darryl Anka, Geraldine Orozco, Marina Jacobi, SAM The Illusionist, and many other remarkable spiritual teachers. My deepest gratitude to all these wonderful teachers of knowledge and wisdom. 🙏

गुरुर ब्रह्मा, गुरुर विष्णु, गुरुर देवो महेश्वरा | गुरुर साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः 🙏
Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣṇur Gurur devo Maheśvaraḥ | Guruḥ sākṣāt paraṁ Brahma tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ 🙏

🙏 Sadhguru: • SHOCKING! | Diwali Special Draw This ...
🙏 Master Co: / @masterstephenco
🙏 Founder of Modern Pranic Healing Grand Master Choa Kok Sui: https://masterchoakoksui.bio/
🙏 Dr. Joseph Murphy (Greatest prayer: Divine Law and order governs my life through divine Love!) : • The Secret of Life - Dr. Joseph Murph...
🙏 Dr. Deepak Chopra: / @thechoprawell
🙏 Stuart Wilde: / @stuartwildeofficialchannel9940
🙏 Bashar/Darryl Anka: / @basharchanneledbydarrylanka
🙏 Geraldine Orozco: / @geraldineorozco
🙏 Marina Jacobi: / @theharmonicreactor
🙏 SAM The Illusionist: / @samtheillusionist

➡️ Disclaimer: Whoever shall watch with this video, please accept only those attributes which resonates within the inner heart and ignore the rest. 🙏 Thank you.

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