Whitefish on Riley’s Bay 1-13-17

1 month ago

This Friday afternoon 1-13-17 I got out of work early and went out for whitefish on Riley’s Bay in 28’ feet of water. I had a very good afternoon, which ended with five nice sized whitefish. It was partly cloudy and 17 degrees, that makes the ice fishing conditions pretty much perfect. I had uploaded this video in 2017 to my outdoor channel which got hacked, and all the videos deleted online luckily I had them all saved. Today 12/25/24 I upload it to my Rumble channel Outdoor Pursuits, I am wearing rubber gloves in this video as at that time I believed and still do to some extent that fish smell and as a hunter fisherman I have always had scent issues, but I no longer wear rubber gloves. I am sure hoping we get enough ice on the bay this year to get into some whiteys, two years of terrible ice on Green Bay was sickening. Enjoy!

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