2 months ago

There is confusion as to why we celebrate today. It's a fact the occult takes Christian holidays and perverts them. He explains how the synag0gue of Satan were the ones to claim Jesus wasn't born on Christmas day.

What you have to realize is Satan knew when Jesus would be born so he already had, in advance, perverted certain days even before Christ was born to confuse. We don't know the exact day but to claim it wasn't Dec 25 is foolish.

The occult and dark Brotherhood who are guided by Satan surround their feast days and rituals around Christian holidays to purposely pervert in a dualistic manner. Up is down and down is up. Light is dark and black is white.

Pastor Anderson makes a strong argument for why we should still celebrate Christmas despite all the naysayers. He debunks the most common arguments against celebrating Christmas. Before you comment at least watch this in full then by all means present your argument against his points.

I already know this is going to trigger many of you. Especially those within our truth movement and I get it. Nobody wants to be deceived, especially our type of people. Give this sermon a chance then by all means post your reasoning why you disagree.

Keep the comments respectful. At the end of the day it's ok to disagree.

Today is about celebrating the birth of Christ. Merry Christmas and may the Lord be with you and watching over your families with a hedge of protection. Grace and peace be with you all my brothers and sisters. God bless.

Pastor Steven Anderson Faithful Word Baptist Church

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