As above so below

3 months ago

Mother and daughter dance...
dance for our truth
dance for the rain
dance through the thunder
dance through the pain
feel the dust beneath our feet
step to your inner drum
feel your own heart~beat
the sound of the hoof that runs
dance to remember
Mama Creator whispers
dance to feel Her wind
Movement through the bough
witness Her there,
like the water running,
the eagle stare
the shadow of the moon
the flame that flickers against your skin
Dance for those who forget
We are all we ever needed
shine your wisdom, love, and truth
heel toe- heel toe
dance to begin again
our bond cannot be broken
there is no beginning
there is no end
We are one

Thank you for my life Mama Creator***
Thank you for my babies Mama Creator***
giving thanks all year round
for the blessings you share*

May your children remember you Mama***
As above
so below
And a special shout out to all of you "Life givers" today
Keepers of the scared wisdom***

we dance to remember

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