The Image and the Number of the Beast - The 5th Key of Revelation - Part 4

2 months ago

Many antichrists would come, so Jesus warned and so did John, his apostle. One of antichrists marks is that he denies the Father and the Son. Another is that he comes out of the professing church.

In earlier video's we've shown the clear similarities between the beast out of the sea of Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 and 13 and the USA-world-empire as it came into being in about 250 years.

The president of the USA is the representation of the beast and as such shares some of its characteristics. This certainly applies to the incoming president J.D. Trump. A specific notation of his name in Hebrew gives the number 666.

Bible Texts:

Revelation 13:17, 18
Revelation 17:16
Mathew 24:4, 5, 24
Mathew 13:44, 45
1 John 2:18, 19, 22

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