This is BIG 🚨 (San Diego) California money allegedly being laundered

2 months ago

This is BIG 🚨 California money being spent to fight homelessness is being sent to a shell company headquartered in the Cayman Islands

“I just discovered a massive money laundering scheme in California, and it has to do with this, homelessness”

- Multiple Large San Diego public housing projects tracked back to one company
- Property values that are being paid make no sense. They’re purchasing properties that just a few years ago were valued at $3 million, buying them today for $68 million+
- The investment group doing the buying is Chelsea Investment Group, an investment fund that is based in the Cayman Islands
- Their HQ in California is a shell company created by Chelsea Investment Group
- They’re buying these ASTRONOMICALLY overpriced properties from ‘The Housing Authority of San Diego’
- ‘The Housing Authority of San Diego’ is not a bank but its acting as one, inflating prices by $60 million+ and running the money to the Cayman Islands

“Tell me this doesn't look like money laundering”

Everyone NEEDS to watch this video and understand what’s taking place

Telegram: Michael Jaco Navy Seal/ CIA

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