TPKP 160: Wincy Ong: Reaching Into the Afterlife —A Husband's Story After His Beloved Wife's Passing

2 months ago

#komiksman #komiksmanpodcast #tpkp #thekomiksmanmethod #cjdesilva

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The following podcast is my remarkable conversation with my fellow author, artist, and podcaster, Wincy Ong.

Wincy is a creative who has worked in multiple media including film, advertising, and comics.

The death of his beloved wife, the renowned artist, known to many as the 90's Promil kid icon, CJ De Silva put Wincy on an unexpected path,

seeking the help and services of spirit mediums and other practitioners of the mystic arts to deal with the debilitating grief that followed right after the tragedy.

I invite everyone who watch this episode to keep an open mind whether you believe in his story or not.

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And one last thing, I screwed up the audio on the first 30 minutes of the recording, but fortunately the remaining 1 hour and 15 minutes of good audio was retained. So sorry for that.

Either way, I present you, Mr. Wincy Ong.

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