
1 month ago

一旦您接種了兩次以上的新冠疫苗,您的整個免疫系統就會完全轉為產生這種耐受性抗體免疫球蛋白 G4 (IgG4),它實際上有助於耐受癌症,同時也會關閉癌症監視系統。而每一瓶輝瑞輝瑞疫苗中的猿猴病毒40(SV40) 序列實際上可以幫助將核物質、遺傳物質運送到細胞核,然後在那裡整合,進而可能導致癌症。

Once you've had more than two COVID vaccines, your entire immune systems shift completely to producing this tolerance antibody IgG4 that actually helps in the tolerance of cancer and shuts down cancer surveillance as well. And the SV40 sequence in every single vial of Pfizer Covid vaccine can actually help transport nuclear material, genetic material, to the nucleus of the cell, where it is then integrated, which in turn may cause cancer.

(感謝 NFSCHimalayaNews 分享影片訊息)

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