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The Greatest Sermon, & the Cosmic mystery of the Incarnation
More on the Incarnation below & See also the ( J, Y & i and ... ᒐ ) debate (and the Hebrew roots and Greek Roman roots plot below) This feature is by David Pawson "The Normal christian birth part 1 (and part 2 and all parts here )
Could the Jews pronounce a J in the old testament or better could the Israelite's pronounce a J in the Old testament ? Israelite's is a better term as there were 13 tribes with the Levites and later 14 as the blessings of of Jacob (Iacob or Yacob) were shared between Ephraim and Manasseh who head the 13 tribes as 'Israel' Judah was not Judah x 12 i.e. the Israelites were not 'Jewish' only Judah was a Jew. Joshua was not a Jew but from the tribe of Joseph, and neither was Moses nor Paul ("St Paul") who was not Jewish but from the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3, 4 - 8) and many more examples. The 13 tribes still exist today.
In the 22 letter original hebrew alphabet there was no WXYZ but the pronunciation of these came in to the language especially as the tribes moved from east to west
But who was Jesus ? According to the Tyndale bible Jesus was Iejus and Joseph was Joseph and Joshua was Ioshhua and so on. Further the earliest editions of Romeo and Juliet had Romulus and Iuliet as did the poem which inspired Shakespeare's play many decades before Shakespeare. Should Judas Iscariot be spelt Iudas Jscariot ? or if not ? why not? How was it pronounced ? For instance P is pronounced (sounds like) Puh, but in Phone, P (Puh) becomes (sounds like ) Fuh.
An insight into this problem and which denounces the 'Hebrew Roots' (as opposed to the Greek roots movement movement is as follows " Debunked, Jewish lies about the letter J " (unless we say Jesus we are not believers in the real Jesus etc ? ... although it is fine to say Jesus
The tribes of Jacob eventually left the promised land for Egypt and they were saved or redeemed out of the Global famine by their brother Joseph (Ioseph who the Egyptians knew as 'Zaphenath - Paneah' (Genesis 41,45) and Imhotep the 'vizier' of Egypt. similarities of age and rank are striking (Pharaoh made Joseph 2nd in command Genesis 41,41 - 43) All of Joseph's brothers the 12 tribes and his father came to live with him in Egypt) Hundreds of years later a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph ( Exodus 1,8) caused great hardship and the tribes of Israel left Egypt after 430 years (with a slightly changed pronunciations and spelling inflections in parts than the original language they entered with 400 years earlier ) crossing the Red Sea not east of Cairo but at the "Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea finger" which is one half a GIANT Y ! (see "Moses, the Exodus Route, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai, Ten Commandments, Egypt, Midian, Saudi Arabia" )
There is a claim that there is no J in hebrew as ancient paleo Hebrew and therefore Yeshua (or Joshua which like Jesus means Saviour) as a Y is an attempt by the Hebrew Roots people to not change the pronunciation to a Y and in so doing also change the persona of Jesus into a Jewish Rabbi who is under a burden or bound by the Law and not Grace. (although Jesus was called Rabbi or Rabboni in the New Testament, Jesus is called Rabbi in conversation by Apostle Peter in Mark 9:5 and Mark 11:21, and by Judas Iscariot in Mark 14:45 by Nathanael in John 1:49) "The Myth There Was No J In Hebrew"
This meaning of Rabbi or teacher was of the Torah into the New Covenant era and meaning and not the later 2nd Judaism of the Talmud which began slowly after the Temples destruction in 70ad and the new few centuries. 2nd Judaism is also a wrong term as there were 12 tribes and the levites and for instance ? where was Danism or Benjaminsim or Issachar...ism (and on for all the tribes as ism ) Later this Talmudiuc Judaism became Orthodox Judasim which was separate from Kabalistic mysticism or the later Reformed Judaism also called Zionism. There is no proof the Talmud was a separate secret oral doctrine beginning with Moses who would have had to deceive the Israelite's at Mount Sinai to keep a secret teaching
One of the interesting aspects of Y is that it looks like a Vav as V (almost) Hebrew ע
Vav is also spelt WAW and originally it had a “w” (double “u”) sound.In German the letter ‘J’ is pronounced like ‘Y’. The Paleo letter Ayin looks exactly like a Y and many would say Yod is an example of a Y but which looks like small j or a even a twisted i and and see Kaph, Nun and PE for more similarities of Y J and in old English, the letter J had a Y sound, ( the crucifixion sign = Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews and Latin had a J sound but even in England (not Celtic Britain) the J sounded like Y as it came from the German Anglo regions .
It is of note that Y, Vav connects heaven to earth (the promised land) and Rish or Rosh was a fuller symbol resembling a face (Rosh or head of like Rosh Hashanah) and there are similarities in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Yet this face in side view lost its fuller face or outline and became just a half symbol like a reverse small r. ר and perhaps signifying mans fall or Adams fall from a full man into darkness.
Yod or Yodh (also spelled Yod, or Yud) also has similarities with a reverse small r ר (although not today)
If you put Rosh Vav and Ayn (or Ayin) together could be suggested as The God man who now loses his original light into the eye (Ayn) and in ancient welsh , Annwn, Annwfn, or Annwfyn referred to a land as the center or ancient paradise.
The vav, waw (6) either as a reverse r or Y also in context brings together or fastens (hooks) and resembles a nail, joining heaven and earth as the nail in the crucifixion (or the 3 nails used for Jesus the Savior from the line of Jesse (or line of Iesse or Yesse)
As the 10 tribes crossed the Caucasus from modern day Georgia and into eastern Europe and into Germany and beyond, the pockets of tribes left as more moved on leaving the main group behind the pronunciation changed and the I and J and Y problem today appears.
There are evidences of Semitic tribes in the caucus and Ukraine (who are not Japeth but Shem and Japeth is not 'european' with no connection to ancient Israel as of course all 12 tribes from Jacob are related to Noah )
The Megido Inscription or the Akeptous inscription of the 3 found relating to the worship of Jesus dating to 230 ad and before the Council of Nicea says "The Akeptous Inscription. The words “God Jesus Christ” appear at the end of the fifth line; they are abbreviated, as indicated by the line above the letters. ΘΩ = ΘΕΩ, Theos (“God”); ΙΥ = ΙΗΣΟΥ, Iēsou (“Jesus”); ΧΩ = ΧΡΙΣΤΩ, Christō (“Christ”). Photo by Vesafis Tzferris -, Wikimedia Commons, November 25, 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0. has both an I and Y within in and can be read or viewed here or also here once more
Exodus 15,3 it states plainly God is a warrior but (the 2nd half of the verse) the 'LORD' is not his name it is a designation title., and many translations have YHWH instead of Lord or I AM (also a title) The Godhead of 1 person with 3 aspects is I am he who breathes (ruach) salvation (Yoshua ....Joshua Jesus) The Is is Exodus 15,3 is correct as i (an 1 before a consonant = israel and an i before a vowel - Ierusalem ) many could argue and say the IS should be a J or Y (if they chose) but arguing this without knowing God is the ultimate folly. The Greek Septuagint also has "the only begotten son of God" as in John 1, 18 & John 3, 16, so not just Jesus or the disciples but also in the 'Old' Testament in the septuagint as Psalm 22,20 left out of the Masoretic textThese verses are left out of the later Masoretic texts of 150 ad fwd such as Psalm 151, Exodus 12,40 Israelites in Egypt and Canaan 430 years. Jesus is a High Priest Psalm 110, 4 and Melchizedek was not from the tribe of Shem who did not outlive Abraham, Levi was the third son of Jacob and Leah, according to the Book of Genesis. Collectively we have the Septuagint and we can see what was removed from the king James so we have the full texts. Later "versions" (note a version does not imply full plain text or a literal translation) like the NIV which omits and redfines. The Geneva bible suggests we are to resist tyranny and evil.
Most preachers today when preaching on John 3 will only preach on a select few verses of John 3 1 - 21. . Nicodemus broke from the accepted "law" to speak to Jesus at night. This is why it is better to obey God (Acts 5, 29 - 32 ) rather than men. Romans 13 says submit not obey and of course Peter and Paul both escaped from Prison (Paul in the basket King David) Most preachers will state John 3 verse 15 or 18 but do not dwell on verse 5 or verse 6 and 7 and verse 3 which is clearly the event of John 3. simply believing (as even the Demons believe James 2,19) without receiving is an incomplete verse into 'regeneration' (Titus 3, 5 & Matthew 19, 28 in the KJV and Geneva bible) which refers to verse 5 (John 3 v 5) as you are born through your mothers waters at physical birth and then by the Holy Spirit in verse 5 (and not Baptism see Acts 19) Jesus is first spoke of as Messiah in Genesis 3,15 and makes a appearance or reference (in Midrash also called Hermeneutics) in nearly every old testament book. As melchizedek and as the Captain of the Lord's army speaking to Joshua in Joshua 5, 13 - 16 (who was allowed to worship the captain as he was not an Angel see Revelations 19,10) Jesus appeared in Exodus and spoke to David and Solomon and Jeremiah and was born in the Gospels and speaks in Acts and Revelations
Jesus appears at the passover (not the 'eucharist' or the symbols (onl) of bread and wine) and then reappears 1446 years later before and after his passover meal "Christ in the Passover, The Meaning of the 'Afikomen' ...Truly Astonishing"
If you as when did Jesus triumphant entry to Jerusalem begin most will say Luke 19:28-40 or Mathew 21, 1 - 11 around 2000 years ago, but it actually began in Genesis 1,1 and up until and beyond Revelations 22, 21 and this helps to understand the verses in Colossians 2, 15 - 17
If you do not know and have not experienced John 3, 3 - 8 physically, then over worrying about 1, J, Y or ᒐ is moot.
The Greek roots plot (Greco - Roman - Egypt)
As the Gospel passed from asia minor into Europe the first Greeks academically and mentally had to decipher what they were being told by the disciples. paul was the missionary to Rome and not Peter And the rock Jesus referred to was in Israel (referring to Peter) Without the receiving part after believing they were not getting the full picture, and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit reversed the curse of confusion and languages from babel (the tower of ) Greeks had a pagan belief in the 'cristos' or Krestos a sacrifice but which was a substitution sacrifice and which can mean the anointed one as with the Messiah, but not quite the same. It was a pagan practice.
Greek mythology had two sun gods: Helios, the god of the sun, and Apollo, the god of light and justice, who was often conflated with Helios. Roman mythology worshiped Helios as Sol, and the later Roman Empire even crafted a cult of that god, naming him Sol Invictus. The latter was entwined with Mithras a Persian entity, and the 25th December was the birth date of these Gods following on from Babylon and Sumeria (at the returning winter solstice) Today Jesus is also worshipped as the 'Sun' at his wrongly dated birth of December 25th see Messiahs birth date calculated & known. Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not at 'December 25th' and this error removes the Christian Messianic feasts of Leviticus 23, upon which all things in the Old Testament and New Testament and the book of Revelations occur
'Christmas' is really YULE rebranded and this is YULE explained in full "Viking Yule Winter Solstice, Odin & the Wild Hunt, Occult Saturnalia, Janus New Year, or Christmas Advent"
The latest incarnation of preaching another Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4) is the Herod Antipas deception (still going today) The installation of Herod the Great (an Idumean) as king in 37 BCE made Judea a Roman client state and marked the end of the Hasmonean dynasty.Idumean or those descended from Esau and Edomites lost power when the Temple was destroyed in 70ad.and he fell foul of Agrippa and the Roman Emperors he was banished to Gaul "His place of exile is described by Josephus in Antiquities as Lugdunum, a city in Gaul,[75] and as Hispania in The Wars of the Jews.[76] There are two places in France that claim to be the place of exile: Lyon (Lugdunum) and Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (Lugdunum Convenae), on the Spanish border. Antipas died in exile.[77] The 3rd-century historian Cassius Dio seems to imply that Caligula had him killed, but this is usually treated with skepticism by modern historians.[78]" Either Herodias his wife or his daughter Salome (She was granddaughter of Herod the Great and stepdaughter of Herod Antipas) was pregnant and the child was named Sophia and was rumored to be the daughter of mary Magdalene and Jesus. The cult of Herodias continued in Rome into the 9th century and this rumor was started to make people believe Herod was in exile as the true King of Jerusalem and his heirs. It persisted up until Leonardo da Vinci and the Borgia's who subtly continued in secret codes that they were the descendants (physical ) of Jesus and Mary Magdalene as a "new line of David" The 1960's brought the book Holy Blood Holy Grail and which later inspired the Da Vinci code books and films, but all date back to Herod Antipas desperation to secure a Royal future and today we have the pregnant Mary Magdalene sailing into the South of France (Celts, Anglo's & Normans as Norsemen etc)
Other Jesus's appear here
.The Weeping for & Mark of Tammuz, Ash Wednesday, Lent & Easter Heresies (Ezekiel 8,14 Abominations)
Yeshua fasted 40 days & was tempted NOT IN THE SPRING (Passover / crucifixion) but in the early Autumn / late summer. His fast & temptation ended on the end of Yom Kippur, 10 days after the start of the Feast of Trumpets. (in the 10 days of awe) The 40 days began on the 1st of Elul (the 6th month of the year in August or September) i.e " First of Elul, the beginning of the 40 days of corporate national repentance up to Yom Kippur (a practice based on the Book of Haggai, where in chapter 1 we see God calling the returned Israelites to “Consider their ways” beginning on the first day of the sixth month, Elul 1) Woman wept for 40 days for Tammuz before "Easter" near the Equinox as the Book of Jasher relates
This is why we keep the 7 feasts to Gods calendar of Leviticus 23 & because God commands us to i.e. Levi 23, 2 & "These are MY appointed feasts, the feasts of the LORD that you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies" (This vid on YT
Tammuz ( a Babylonian name not a month of Israel as alss Nisan) was the son of semiramis and Nimrod (aka Gilgamesh great grandson of Noah ) who built Babylon, but semiramis was also Nimrods Mother so Tammuz was incestuous This legend was passed down to Egypt as I H S (on the communion wafers) as Isis Horus and Set which became disguised in Iconography as "Jesus Mary and Joseph"
More on the Herod line after his death in France
"Mithras ancient and modern, from Persia to Rome"
and down the centuries mixed in with Greek and Roman beliefs The City of London Square, The Bank of England, Sol Invictus, El, & Mithras, St George & the Dragon and into today The Real Q, The Great Awakening & Great Reset same in origin & purpose. The San Greal & the Garter
and Leuren Moret on the persian Iranian lines of Rome
Saturnalia Nimrod Tammuz Saturn Worship - Christmas Pagan Roots
God works with individuals first in salvation directly to form eventually an ecclesia or congregation of called out believers not a church hierarchy (church or kirk derives from Circe a Greek Goddess, a congregation is not quite the same as a republic as of course God is king, but those with responsibility in the congregation are servants (not over but servants) and God today can bypass them in beginning salvation but in baptism and laying on of hands the congregation help complete the work of a new birth which is the main point of the process of salvation not academic church and its bureaucracy and deadness which pulls people into a hierarchy.
Born again & Regenerated as born of 'Water & SPIRIT'.Your Spirit born from Above (Ezekiel 37,14)
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