RCAF March Past - Air Command Band

2 months ago

Release date: 1988
Album: Bless Them All - Air Command Band

The Air Command Band (currently known as the Royal Canadian Air Force Band) is a 35 member group of professional musicians who tour and represent the Royal Canadian Air Force both in Canada and in other countries. This was the second of three albums released by the band.

Downloadable MP3s and artwork for this album:
Gdrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XqwI7dZaM-QMTU7pEq6b9j8pPXYjteKY?usp=sharing (Artwork, MP3s)
Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/AirCommandBandBlessThemAll (Artwork, FLAC, MP3s)


About the Saskatchewan Music Project.

This channel is dedicated to converting local music from across Saskatchewan, the rest of Canada and parts of the United States to digital for the preservation of these local artists. The content covers all genres including rock, jazz, country, religious, and much more. Much of the music featured here ranges from the 1960s to today and usually had a limited run of albums intended for a local audience.

Help spread the word. You can find The Saskatchewan Music Project at:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SaskatchewanMusicProject
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4885767
Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/@saskmusicproject (Artwork, FLAC and MP3 downloads available here)

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