A FullAnarchy Christmas! A Minecraft Christmas Tradition!! Join us around the fireplace and roast!!

2 months ago

#Christmas #Festive #Holidays #Hannukah #FullAnarchy #Toriel #Undertale

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It's a FullAnarchy Christmas Special, and is Exitdoor up to no good?? There's only one way to find out!!

Exitdoor is a crazy, maniacle Twitter user brainwashed by online radicals, can he finally integrate into society or will he be lonely forever!

XC_Astro(also just Astro) is a quite polite and quiet Jewish woman, she is the queen of FullAnarchy!!

Torial is a goat, which the Undertale character, 'Toriel' is based on. She is generally quite chaotic and annoying, and can purr.. Apparently.

Max is a buff guy, the server jock, Max once started a fire in public, but he vows never to do it again for obvious reasons.

Tink is the lead developer of the server, creating custom content, and is the 2nd calmest of the eccentric bunch!

The night before christmas,
not a creature was stirring.
Not a single Torial was on the couch purring,
twinkling lights were placed high above,
on this christmas exitdoor tries to find love.

A green and red display,
a festive delight,
Max shows his biceps,
a quite beautiful sight.

Astro is decorating,
the hunnukah display,
much to uncouth ol' exitdoors dismay.

Ruckus is stirring,
all through the household,
while Spot is busy,
posting gold on Reddit all Christmas Eve's day.

Delicious hot dogs,
with lots of mustard,
Exitdoor heads to the mistletoe,
no longer flustered.

With eyes closed shut,
and lips puckered big,
Exitdoor gives a peck,
to Torial's luscious wig.

Exitdoor, rageful, once more screams and cusses,
toys destroyed and every-year Christmas fusses,
everyone, fed up, with Exit's comotion,
Exitdoor is givin a jar of jolly Christmas potion!

Exitdoor drinks,
and in a second or two,
exitdoors happy attitude,
is good as new.

With the one tonne tike, out of the way,
Tink the programmer can work on the server today!

All is well and chaos no longer stirring,
it's time for bed,
Astro and Max, rest their dreary heads,
but little do they know, Exitdoor was going outside in the snow!

That little bum, that big tummy doof,
look at him try to jump of the roof,
he falls onto,
a pile of snow,
he had so much fun, right back in, he goes!

He flicks on the fire, the furnace ablaze!
Torial is yawning, until she takes a gaze!
She notices the fire, burning very well,
will it burn down the house?
Only time will tell!

The fire alarms go off,
the house feels a dripple,
until all of a sudden the water falling tripples!

Exit and Torial,
are drowning in the living room!
Crying and twitching and shouting in doom!

Until all of a sudden,
a jolly man barges in,
his sack filled with toys about to place gifts,
under the tree so bright, but can not find the tree,
anywhere in sight!

The tree likely drifted,
quite far away,
but now that Santa is in,
he doesnt know what to say!

Exit explains the situation,
with hesitation and grief,
he knew he wanted to keep, this discussion brief!

When he was done, with the whole conversation,
Santa pulls out a water vacuum from his pouch!
The water is soaked,
and sucked far away,
the pipes leading to where the Rain-Torials play!

Santa speaks with an expression quite stern,
with what you did with fire Exit, I dont know what you should earn!!

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