Apex Legends Player Gets EA Account BANNED For Simply Saying GAY!

16 hours ago

The age of trash talking online is over. Electronic Arts nuked one Apex Legends players account after simply saying "don't be gay." Without additional context, that is a wild statement to ban an account over.

The weak shall inherit the sanitized mess they so desperately desire and once it's only them left standing, the game will rightly close down.

ESports.gg: https://esports.gg/news/apex-legends/apex-has-banned-over-6-million-accounts-since-launch/
Fandom Pulse: https://fandompulse.substack.com/p/ea-bans-apex-legends-player-for-telling
80 LV: https://80.lv/articles/riot-to-ban-lol-valorant-players-for-things-they-say-outside-of-riot-s-games/

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