Merry Darkness / Light Christmas to all hahhahahahhahahhahaha 1h+

1 month ago

Sorry this was a long Christmas Darkness / Light video to put together. Might be double takes? Or is the Meds? If you can’t sleep, this might help? AND NO SIDE EFFECTS?
Ok, maybe, (Evil Pharma hahahahhahahahahahhahaahah) Nerver wanting to get out of bed again, Laughing, Crying, Pleasant Dreams or Not, Stress, Alcohol Drunkenness, Pot Smoking craving, LSD Tripping escape, TDS’is umms, LGBQ Mental Derangement Syndrome, Trans Blindness or just an urge to poke your eyes out and shovel Q-tip / Cotton Swab deep, deep, deep, into your ears, and more
Remember always consult or insult your Doctor Fauci’ s.

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