Choose wisely the amount of time/energy you spend on certain people/things that come into your life.

18 days ago

It’s something I decided to pay attention to and get better with. Do my absolute best to always remain calm, cool, and collective.

Our human brains work far better & you, like myself, will just feel all around better too.

Life’s too short frens. Don’t get triggered. Take a breathe and step away. Especially when it comes to the interwebz, trolls, or trying to converse with someone who’s mentally ill.

We should all know by now how to spot these people from a mile away. They’re sick and arguing with mentally sick people is literally the definition of insanity. You won’t teach them, you won’t change their mind, and there’s no trophy for winning arguments unfortunately or I’d be in the hall of fame 🤣🤣 JK (kind of)

I know like myself most of you have also found ways to grow these last few years.

Yeah witnessing the near death experience of our country SUCKS but there is some good that came out of it. People know the news is fake, they’re paying closer attention, and they’re turning to God for comfort in these incredibly tough times.

I am one of those people who this little movement of ours has brought closer to God & for that I’m very thankful. Coolest psy-op or LARP ever!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣JK

I hope all of you amazing patriots have a great Christmas with friends and loved ones tomorrow. I’ll probably be on in the afternoon here and there but if you’ve been a little more stressed lately than usual then take a break tomorrow and relax. If you love it like I do then you’re screwed lol

I’ve been taking more breaks recently too after 3.5 years of 365 days neck deep in this circus. I just think most of what we’re seeing out there right now is just really loud noises. You better believe when he steps foot back in the WH I’ll be neck deep in it again frens.

27 more days of chaotic sh*t that will not only wake people up but motivate them to get their damn heads out if the sand.

More people are awake now but they’ve still got their heads in the sand or up their asses.

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