Mirrored: Sikhs Vs Muslim Violence Erupts In Bhopal, India

2 months ago

#SikhMuslimViolence Time stamp 4:00 So the jist of it is...The Sikh guy (the one in bandages) went to collect his rent money from his Muslim tennet...The Muslim guy decided to get all rowdy and cut the Sikh guy up....Then the Muslim bashes on the Sikh ladies, and various other family members, including children...Till it turns into a community brawl (Muslims Vs Sikhs) ..Muslims claim they are being persecuted by the Sikhs in the area LoL

Original link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGoLH5uOI6g

Bhopal Jahangirabad Violence: सिख और मुसलमान...भोपाल क्यों बना जंग का मैदान? | Sikh Vs Muslims

भोपाल के जहांगीराबाद इलाके में उस समय अफरातफरी मच गई जब बीच सड़क पर दो समुदाय भिड़ गए. दिनदहाड़े दो पक्षों के बीच पत्थर चलने लगे, दोनों तरफ से जमकर पत्थरबाजी हुई. इतना ही नहीं तलवारें भी लहराईं गईं, भोपाल से जो तस्वीरें आईं बेहद डराने वाली हैं. पत्थरबाजी और तलवारबाजी में 6 लोगों के घायल होने की भी ख़बर है. सभी को इलाज के लिए अस्पातल में भर्ती कराया गया है. बताया जा रहा है कि कुछ दिन पहले तेज रफ्तार बाइक चलाने को लेकर दो पक्ष आपस में भिड़े थे. मामला पुलिस तक पहुंचा था.

There was chaos in Bhopal's Jahangirabad area when two communities clashed on the road. Stones started flying between the two sides in broad daylight, there was heavy stone pelting from both sides. Not only this, swords were also brandished, the pictures that came from Bhopal are very scary. There is also news of 6 people getting injured in stone pelting and sword fighting. All of them have been admitted to the hospital for treatment. It is being told that a few days ago, two groups clashed with each other over speeding bike. The matter reached the police.

#bhopal #jahangirabad #choas #violence #stonepelting #muslimcommunity #indiatv

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