EMF Overload in the Bedroom #5G #EMF #weightgain #smartmeters

2 months ago

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There are solutions. https://susonessentials.com/emf-5g-neutralizers-aulterra/

This was recorded in my bedroom which has 15 smart meters on the opposite wall. I have had many sleepless nights. The birds have anxiety. I have been anxious. This is unacceptable. Hirsch informs us that one smart meter can provide up to the full body radiation exposure of 150 cell phones; in an interview (video), Hirsch provides the average exposure, equivalent to the full body exposure from 100 cell phones. This completely debunks the Tell Associates report, which was paid for by Pacific Gas & Electric.
Smart meters

Complaints: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/smart-meter-health-complaints/


“Considering that smart meters emit pulses of radiation up to 14,000 times per day, every day of the year, that is a lot of radiation you’re being exposed to essentially without your consent.”

There are solutions. https://susonessentials.com/emf-5g-neutralizers-aulterra/

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