Episode 134. By Roger Lecureux. The Fantastic Territory! A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 month ago

Translated by the Son of the Puke Ages.

Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Son of the Fierce Ages!

Episode One Hundred and Thirty Four.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The Fantastic Territory!

How long had it been since the "Invisible Beings" had thrown him into this bottomless pit?
A few minutes or. A few days?
Rahan would never have imagined that the "shadow territory" was so far, so deep!

Could this plunge into nothingness, amidst the velvety green smoke, ever end?
Why was he falling less quickly now?
Why does he float in these spirals, as if in a dream?

Page Two.

The shore of a lake appeared beneath him, rising slowly, very slowly towards him.

And he landed there with extreme gentleness.

The large algae suddenly kicked up the sand, trying to grab him!
So plants live in the Shadow Kingdom!?

The ivory knife slashed, cutting off the algae that encircled his legs.

But the fragments of algae were still alive, crawling towards him like reptiles!
Hmm, Rahan does not like that!

Page Three.

A rock suddenly appeared to him, like an island in the darkness.
The snake plants will not reach Rahan!

How long did he remain in hiding on this refuge?
There is neither day nor night in the "Territory-of-Shadows"!

The ocean of mist surrounding it diffused a greenish, disturbing light.

This light came alive and.

You should never have violated my territory, Rahan! Your torments have only just begun!
Wait, wait!

The green men, who rode fantastic winged serpents.

Page Four.

Were already dissipating into the mist!
Why do you abandon Rahan?
Even in the Kingdom of the Dead "Those-Who-Walk-Upright" Should come to your aid!

Cruel rites arose, echoed by a thousand people.
No! No! Be quiet!

The mist dissipated, thinned out, drew strange arabesques.
And Modeled unreal but menacing beings!

Hallucinations? Perhaps, but he had to flee this unbearable vision.

Flee again!
But what would he discover at the bottom of this desert that was opening up?
Did it even have an end?

Page Five.

Exhausted by his race he collapsed on the red sand.
He was panting and his heart was beating very hard.

Rahan hears his heart! Rahan feels his heart. He is alive! So he is not in the "Territory of shadows"!

But? So? Where is Rahan? How did he arrive here?

He remembered those days that preceded the attack by the "Invisible Beings."
There he had experienced the terrible crossing of the "land of stones."

Where not a single blade of grass could grow.
Days and nights without meeting a single living being!
Days and nights of thirst and hunger.

Page Six.

He saw again the pond and finally discovered the stagnant water, which had quenched his thirst, the mushrooms which had appeased his hunger.

It was shortly after that the "Invisible Beings" had perfidiously attacked him.

He had not seen the beings who had clung to his limbs, relentlessly paralyzing them.

These beings had hammered his skull with their fists, crushed his stomach with their feet. Then these invisible tormentors.

Had thrown him into the great black abyss.


Page Seven.

They thought they would send Rahan to the "Shadow Territory."
But Rahan is still alive!

Rahan felt his heart beating.
He can touch his collar, his knife!

Rahan is alive! Alive! But will he be alive much longer?
From the depths of the desert a "Winged Serpent" had emerged, similar to those he had seen.

Rahan has never faced a "Bird-Snake" but you do not scare him!
Well. Not too much!

The strange reptile was flying above him. It suddenly attacked.

Page Eight.

The fight was like a hallucination. The monster avoided every blow.

Gained height before returning to the attack.
You want to scare Rahan before you devour him, huh!?

The winged-serpent dove once more and.

The ivory blade cut off the head of the reptile that was wriggling on the ground!
The "Bird-Serpent" was slower than Rahan!

No! No!

Page Nine.

This is not possible!
In a few seconds the reptile's head had grown back!

This monster is invincible, immortal!

Rahan's knife is no match for him!

He escaped again.
The snake flew over the dunes. It was getting closer.

The monster flew over him, then came down in front of him.
Rahan is lost!

Page Ten.

He flattened himself on the ground, curled up in a circle around the son of the fierce ages.
It seems that the "Bird-Serpent" does not want to kill Rahan anymore.
But to keep him captive!
Indeed, as soon as he tried to cross the body of the reptile.

This one.

Stood up, threateningly!

Prisoner of a snake!
Rahan will go mad in this cursed territory!
Who will come to his aid?!

The "Men-of-the-Mist"! They know how to make the "Bird-Snakes" obey!
They must help Rahan!

Hello, "Men-of-the-Mist"! Do not abandon Rahan!
Why are you so cruel?!

Page Eleven.

Mocking laughter rose in the distance, from the side of the mists. They were getting closer.

Silhouettes stood out against a greenish halo.
Deliver Rahan from the "Bird-Serpent"!
Rahan is your brother!

How can you be our brother, since we do not exist!

A terrifying roar suddenly sounded and the figures vanished.

The halo had given way to a gigantic cavern from which two jets of fire were gushing forth.

Page Twelve.

The "Bird-Serpent" no longer cares about Rahan!
The winged monster was indeed flying towards the cave.

A jet of fire rose up to him, setting his wings on fire!

He fell on a dune where his body convulsed.
So he was vulnerable to fire!
But why did he throw himself to meet his death?

Bah! The main thing is that Rahan is rid of it!
Oh! What. What is Happening?

A mysterious force was pulling him towards the cavern from which increasingly terrifying rumblings were rising.

The "Bird-Serpent" must have been attracted, like Rahan!

Page thirteen.

He wanted to back down, to flee. But.
No, No!
His legs no longer obeyed the orders of his brain!
His legs were dragging him, in spite of himself, towards the cave!

He let himself fall to the ground but it was in vain.
Fascinated, he began to crawl towards the flames.

It was only when these died out that the incredible phenomenon ceased and.
That he regained control of his movements.

But he was a hundred paces away from the cave and it was too late.
No! This. This is too horrible!

Page Fourteen.

A fantastic monster came out of the cave, swinging its two heads!
A gigantic, terrible monster.


Petrified with fear, he saw the hideous jaws diving towards him.

Page Fifteen.

One of them threw him to the ground, the other grabbed his legs!

He was swung for a moment fifty paces above the ground.

And the terror was at its height. The two heads were fighting over his body!

Page Sixteen.

He struck desperately, but the ivory blade slid over the scales.

And the second mouth suddenly closed on his chest!
Each head pulled to its side.

And that was the end!
Brutally torn off, his legs disappeared into the first jaws.

His last vision was of horrible fangs closing on his face.

His last thought was for Crao, whom he was joining in the kingdom of shadows, in the kingdom of darkness.

Page Seventeen.

Deep in the darkness a pale sun shone.
Perhaps the fiery entrails of the monster of two.

This spot of light grew, grew, became dazzling, unbearable.

The "Fire-Hair" hunter survives to open his eyes!

Few hunters have survived after eating these mushrooms.
Those who have been lucky enough say they have experienced terrible pain in their heads and stomachs.

As if invisible enemies were striking them!
Then they had visions, hallucinations, as in a nightmare!

Page Eighteen.

The Hunter with "Hair of Fire" will tell us what effect these cursed mushrooms had on him!
If he survives!

One hand on the collar of claws, the other on his ivory knife, the son of Crao was still panting.

His face sweating.
He sometimes opened his eyelids but saw only the sun.

He did not yet see, he did not yet hear these men who.
Had discovered him near the pond of hallucinogenic mushrooms.

But his muscles gradually relaxed, his breathing became more regular.
He will survive!

Rahan must have heard this warm exclamation. He must have realized that he had escaped from the "Territory-of-Shadows", because a slight smile unclenched his lips.

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