Merry Christmas Y’all I’m Back Online

2 months ago

I gotta tell ya a little about life and crap happens to the good internet doctor FidoSysop. When I’m flying I fly high, and when I crash land i do it right the first time around.

This time around after leaving a nasty 🤮 rehab facility in Brooksville FL. I woke up in an ER not knowing what i was. The hospital staff said paramedics brought me in.

So I realized my wallet and car keys were gone. I could not remember where I was, and my memory went black. Well it turns out after getting out of Aspire rehab from hell i was driving to another rehab facility and had gotten out of my car, went in and registered and got a room. Sometime after that i passed out, 911 was called and paramedics transported me to a local hospital.

Here’s where this story goes from there. It was while I was in the ER a guy walks up to me and said I here you have been having bad luck 🍀 and reached into his pocket and hands me $200. His caring compassion for a total stranger blew my mind. When I was growing up in downtown St Petersburg FL it was common to see tourists handing pocket change to homeless people in downtowns Williams Park.

I am grateful to that gentleman for his compassion and old school kindness. It is appreciated more than words can express.

I met an angel back in February 2008 through match-com. She was Asian and popped up in a screen of thumbnails curious who she was I clicked her thumbnail and she wtote. I am from Bangkok Thailand. 🇹🇭 and went to school and learned English and just got her US citizenship. I was really impressed with her true story.

Unfortunately ske said she had a stroke that effected her depth perception, an can no longer drive. I was not thinking of hitting on her but messaged her offering a ride wherever she needed to go.

She returned my message an hour later, and we chatted for about three hours. Later that afternoon we drove out to Sand Key Park and watched the boat traffic coming in Clearwater pass. Something clicked between us and we agreed on going out to dinner the next day.

We were together for twelve of my life. Jareewan Lynch saved me in so many ways. In December 2029 she suffered her second stroke and was rushed to the ER. She was brain dead. I convinced the neurologist on duty to give her three days to come pit of it but God took her to heaven to be with him. Her death crushed me. I spent all Christmas eve crying my eyes out asking God what did in my life that was so wrong that he took her away from me, I never hot my answer. About eight months later I met Debbie from Spring Hill FL

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