Chasing accounts? Reactivation Requirements? Steal these old school tactics and say goodbye!!

1 month ago

The reason that most have reactivation requirements and are chasing accounts can be broken down into these two areas.

→ No Live Quoting Day (Presentation Day)
→ No Communication Plan in place to align serviceability

Without having this day that has considerable buy in, in place you are literally kneecapping yourself, and hoping for miracles.

→Whether thats Closed/lost
→Whether thats Closed/Won/Churn
→Whether thats Closed/Won - Upside down on the contract because it’s not serviceable.


Let’s get back to that.

The B2B Playbook x Closed Circuit Selling =

Chief Revenue School, the curriculum on marketing, sales and customer success - helps you change that.

Gives you direct access to the connective fundamental actions across the funnel, that are severely lacking at market.


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