TiHYDP Astro Bot Winter Wonder DLC - Fails 402-404 - DSP Christmas 2024 - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 259.1

2 months ago

DSP plays Astro Bot for day one views, and gets really angry at this game made for little children in this 2 hour death montage. I've yet to get this game yet, but watching DSP plays makes me want to get it, but I'm busy with Zelda Echoes of Wisdom right now. Astro Bot looks like a lot of fun, and it's got extremely positive reviews online, but DSP can't appreciate it. Now, TBF, DSP could say I'm taking his content out of context by only showing the 2 hours where he's mad, dying, and insulting game devs out of his 15 hour playthrough, but no one wants to see the other 13 hours of DSP giving the most bland and boring commentary with the occasional begging that happens more than any other streamer in history.
Thank you for watching!

TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Newest to Oldest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old & New - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYOJ6hLnu0INIh0LNftEjpIG

TiHYDP by KingDDDuke Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYOVQMu1NmD-iDbUkE1oZsgg

TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Oldest to Newest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old & New - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYMlvJAs7FkPnCqalDZTwitf

#ThisIsHowYouDONTPlay #TiHYDP #DSPGaming

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Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@KingDDDuke
YouTube Channel 2- https://www.youtube.com/@KingDDDuke2
Bitchute Channel - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AFa5URQnjKVY/
Odysee Channel - https://odysee.com/@KingDDDuke:e
Rumble - https://www.rumble.com/user/KingDDDuke
Rumble 2 - https://www.rumble.com/c/c-1048284
DailyMotion Channel - https://www.dailymotion.com/KingDDDuke
Tumblr - https://kingddduke.tumblr.com

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