Bell Bottom Blues -~ Eric Clapton

2 months ago

Around this time, Admiral Rogers’ commands reached out to Putin, China, India, and Saudi Arabia to initiate operations aimed at bringing down global CIA operations and Project Blue Beam. This plan included pandemics, world censorship, digital ID implementation, social restructuring, and overthrowing governments to place countries under United Nations control.

Russia’s intelligence was fully aware of the United States’ advanced technologies, including UAPs and room-temperature microchips capable of controlling world systems and future operations. However, Russia refused an alliance unless Edward Snowden was traded to Russia, along with two microchips and access to top underground scientists and engineers.

This deal, negotiated between Russian white hats and U.S. military white hats, was the only way to begin dismantling the deep networks controlled by the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Vatican Jesuits, and their proxies. These networks orchestrated wars, drug trades, human trafficking, and global control via universities, intelligence agencies, and financial systems.

The agreement was delicate, relying on Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) to prevent either nation from dominating the other. After the deal was sealed, Snowden was transferred in 2013. A year later, in 2014, the MH370 incident occurred, involving scientists and engineers traveling with critical knowledge.

Between 2013-2014, Admiral Rogers took control of the NSA, and during this time, Trump met with Rogers, Flynn, and General Q (before his promotion) alongside key military figures. By the 2016 U.S. elections, white hats utilized Q-computer technology to override CIA supercomputers and flipped the election outcome in the final 45 minutes. This move sent the CIA, Mossad, MI6, and Five Eyes into full meltdown.

The shock and panic were immeasurable—Hillary Clinton’s unexpected loss triggered a 54-hour global intelligence scramble, revealing the scale of the white hat operation.

Project Blue Beam, originally designed by the Vatican, Jesuits, and Rothschild financiers, relied on hidden ancient knowledge stored beneath the Vatican. The heavily redacted Bible, mass-produced only after the 12th century, concealed truths linking back to the Roman Empire, where literacy was reserved for a tiny elite. Advanced technologies, believed to date back to Atlantis, Mesopotamia, and ancient deities, were buried under King Solomon’s Temple and later seized during the Christian wars.

Beneath the Vatican lies a vast network of tunnels housing ancient artifacts, technologies, and 55 miles of classified libraries. These tunnels connect to global underground facilities, including Dulce Base (New Mexico), Denver Airport’s subterranean city, and advanced technological hubs in Antarctica.

The flow of this knowledge—vibrations, frequencies, and ancient technologies—has silently shaped empires, all the while hidden from the public.

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