Gedonia 1 survival mode, strength build ep4

2 months ago

Is there more to this world than the scary volcano area where it's hard to see in general?

00:30=new mount
03:08=see something out there
06:15=struggling vs 2 bandits
08:16=waypoint activated
12:42=wave 4 starts
13:13=wall of mage towers

It looks like the buildings are going to make the player character's combat power obsolete. You can build a bunch of them if you quickly accumulate gold. What's a fast way to get gold? Be a mage, skip ahead, grab top tier equipment, immediately be able to kill high level enemies, loot high resale value items. If you have high charisma, the amount of gold you get from selling items to merchants is higher. Intelligence and charisma make you a god. Strength and agility make you weak.

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