Gen 2 - Christians say "We're not under to the law. I’m saved by Grace; are they correct? Find out!

2 months ago

In chapter 1, we discussed how someone's initial point of view or perspective will change how they interpret things. It won’t change what they see, but it will change how they interpret it. Evolutionists will say, "There is no God, and since there is no God, I must interpret all of creation: How did it come about? How did it get this way? Why does it look that way?" Whereas, if you believe in Elohim, you can trust that He created all things and the world we see today was largely affected by the worldwide flood.

Then there is Christianity. Their initial interpretation when they look at Scripture is, "we are not to obey the Torah of Elohim." They don't necessarily say it that that way. They say "We're not under to the law. I’m saved by Grace, through faith, not by keeping the law. Therefore I am not under the law. I cannot and do not keep the law. Therefore, I know nothing about the law."

That mentality will lead to the rest of their interpretation of scripture. In this chapter, we respond to Dr. John MacArthur. Dr. MacArthur is a very popular Christian author, theologian, and a real "Bible answer guy." He writes, "there is no evidence in the Bible, of anyone keeping the Sabbath before the time of Moses. Nor are there any commands in the Bible to keep the Sabbath before the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai." Is he correct? Watch and find out!

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