2024 Christmas Show UNABRIDGED

2 months ago

(3:11) NORAD "Tracking" Santa — a PsyOps! Start the kiddies young
(9:24) Can "Science Give Us Answers for the Meaning of Life?
(25:40) An important reason to celebrate Christmas that's rarely talked about and VERY COUNTERCULTURAL
* Church of England (divorced from Christ) worries that Christmas carols' lyrics may be problematic
* Jesus as a tool of propaganda by Palestinians, Pope
* Jesus Saves, Santa Sells — commercial vs spiritual — a gift where no expense was spared

(41:07:) Charlie Brown Christmas — and the early stage of censorship 60 years ago
(50:08) CNN tries to shame fathers out of buying hunting rifles for their kids
(53:46) The intentional de-industrialization of the West — as Automakers FAIL
* If your Christmas wish is a car to drive, Govt says NO
* Honda & Nissan merge — but why?
* China gets a lump of coal for Christmas — and it's why no one can compete with them
* Tesla stock price is equal to ALL other car companies of the world COMBINED.  The expectation of political corruption in the District of Corruption

(1:36:42) "How Dare You"! 
Montana Supreme Court sides with Greta in an unbelievable act of "judicial" activism
(1:50:43) Rand Paul's Festivus Report - Forget Money, It's the EVIL, Stupid 
The report may focus on wasteful spending but the evil promoted by DARPA, State Dept, and others, is the real story
(2:05:07) Musk, the X-Club, "Colossus" and the technocracy
* It's a lesson for every parent that let's other train their "child"
* Musk's Own AI, Grok, Attacks Him

(2:23:07) Beware as BIS (Bank of International Settlement) Talks about the STEALTH CBDC
* Bitcoin is very profitable now but beware the normalizing of digital money
* BIS study talks about the OUTSOURCING OF TYRANNY to private companies
* The TRAP of tokenization & securitization

(2:53:38) Elon Musk, the military contractor, and his brother Kimbal are heavily promoting drones

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