Squad: "Realistic" Milsim Battlefield

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Squad is a realistic, team, and modern combat game that implements vehicles and and some aircraft to simulate modern battles over objectives with limited resources, specific roles, and a growing number of global military power factions. Recently I took a break from this game as the game took on partnership with Tencent and continuously says they are trying to punish "lone wolf strategy in the game". The way they did this was with a update called the I.C.O Or the INFANTRY COMBAT OVERHAUL; this update made your character flinch when near firing weapons including your own and also get increasingly blurred vision, this also occurs when projectiles fly near you. They also made it so when you run, turn, vault, change stance, or scope your character has significantly reduced accuracy and is put on a timer to regain accuracy/stable vision. This update also reduced the size of scopes on your screen making it harder to see through them.
#squad,#steam,#Russian,#USA,#MILSIM,#Milsim,#Invasion,#PC,#Battle Field, #Armor,#Heli,#Helo,#Infantry,#Heavy AT, #Light AT, #Engineer,#Squad Leader, #Commander,#Canadian,#Pilot,#Driver,#Gunner,#BTR,#T-72,#Tiger,#Abrams,#Tanks,#Bradley,#Scout car, #Tow truck, #Konkurs Tow,

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