Gen 1 - Book of Genesis can be a very touchy subject; we will show you why it doesn't have to be.

25 days ago

Genesis can be a very touchy subject for a lot of people. Most Christians want to ignore the Torah. (The Torah is the first five books of Scripture.) One cannot know much of anything about Messiah without knowing the first five books of Scripture, because that's who He is. (More on that later...)

Genesis gives us the beginning of all things Scriptural. The beginnings of the heavens and earth, of all living things, of man, of Torah, of sin, and of the beginning of His people Israel. Genesis is probably the most attacked book in scripture.

Those who choose to trust in the literal words of the Father in Scripture are often looked at with derision by most in academia and in the media.

While Genesis focuses on the history of man. It quickly eventuates to the origin of His people, Israel. The fathers of His people, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the focus of this book; their origins, their families, their failures, and their successes are highlighted throughout.

We'll see that they were not chosen because they were better people than everybody else. But they were chosen because Elohim decided to choose them. It's that simple. They were chosen because it was an omniscient decision of the Father.

As we go through Genesis, we will give evidence and proof that the Torah, (not always followed, broken at times), existed from the very beginning. Long before Mount Sinai, the Torah was already there. Come join us and see!

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