The Masters of the Secret Combination (Mahanism): An Exposé

1 month ago

Since the beginning of time, the "priest class" as they've been called has perfected (or rather Mastered) their Mahan. They've mastered their art of gatekeeping secrets in order to gain. The Freemasons were originally a guild of stonemasons, the idea being that they had their own trade secrets and so they all got together (formed a guild) and worked together to further gain. This was primarily done by keeping trade secrets. By incorporating elements of the Mystery Traditions of Esotericism, it became a degreed system where the higher up you get, the more secrets you're privy to, and the more intwined with the group you become.

Within Freemasonry, the ritualistic oath taking ceremony functions subconsciously. A "pinky promise," for example is one thing, but getting down on your knees with a noose around your neck and your peers gathered around while swearing upon a Bible on pain of death is one entirely different thing.

If one day I do something stupid and ask you to keep my secret, and you oblige, sometime down the line when you do something stupid, you'll be inclined to come to me and say "I covered for you, now you cover for me." It's now a bond between those two people, those two people are "in it together." Shakespeare called this a tangled web because while it usually starts out innocently enough, before you know it, it spirals out of control and you're caught up in too many lies to keep track of.

Concluding this presentation, I suggest we begin to use this term "Mahanism" as opposed to "Satanism" or "Luciferianism" as those terms have been deliberately associated with entry level occultism.

While groups such as Masonry may not be inherently evil, it is the inherent secrecy which makes it a formidable breeding ground for some of the worst among us to spin their tangled webs around those they so fittingly call "hoodwinked."

= Bibliography / Sources =
Significance of 'Master Mahan' by Tory Anderson:
Master Mahan (Wikipedia):
Book of Moses (LDS):
Masters Mahan Podcast (By Thomas Wolfe):
Masters Mahan Remastered:

= Social Media =
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Freemasonry secrets,Mystery Traditions,Esotericism,Occultism,Mahanism,Ritual oath taking,Secret societies,Masonic rituals,Trade secrets,Tangled web,Secret oaths,Gatekeeping knowledge,Freemason degrees,Brotherhood bonds,Masonic initiation,Esoteric knowledge,Occult practices,Historical Freemasonry,Spiritual secrecy,Conspiracy theories

Freemasonry Explained
Secrets of Freemasons
Masonic Rituals and Oaths
Esoteric Secrets Unveiled
Mahanism vs. Satanism
Impact of Secret Societies
Masonic Brotherhood Bond
History of Stonemasons
Degrees in Freemasonry
The Art of Gatekeeping Secrets
Occultism and Freemasonry
Initiations in Secret Societies
The Psychology of Secret Oaths
Unveiling Esoteric Practices
Freemasonry and Mystery Traditions
Conspiracy in Secret Societies
Masonic Influence and Control
The Dark Side of Secrecy
Exploring Mahanism
Masonic Symbolism

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