Liberal Media Cover Up Of Biden's Health

1 month ago

The worst kept secret of the last four years was the obvious rapid decline of the Executive Branch of the United States of America. 

There actually was not much of a debate on the topic. Everybody with half decent vision knew that Joe Biden of 2020 was nothing like Joe Biden of 2012-2016. 

So, this wasn’t really a secret. 

The only question was whether or not the Democrat Party under the leadership of Barack Obama and his surrogates and supporters could get away with running the country despite not being in elected office. 

Their goal was to basically run the government via use of a puppet named Joe Biden who had better electability in 2020 than any other Democrat candidate.  

The answer is now clear. 

Yes, you can run a government without being elected into power if you control enough levers of the government, and have a puppet President that agrees to implement most of your policies. 

Of course, one can argue in defense of Joe Biden that he made he decision to listen to Barack Obama and Obama’s advisors. 

But, the problem with that argument is that it only holds water if Joe Biden has sufficient faculty to make reasonable decision-making.

These issues are actually not as black and white as most make them out to be. What Doctor can definitely the line as to whether an aging person can still be judged fit to serve in an important capacity? 

There are ample examples of seniors, well into their 90’s who are doing amazing things in their life. 

One need not look further than Donald Trump to find an example of a person nearing the age of 80 who seems on top of his game. 

Warren Buffet is still one of the wisest businessmen in the world who’s advice is sought after. 

The truth is that Joe Biden’s debate performance in 2020 against Donald Trump showed that despite his age, he still had enough gas in the tank to stand up to pressure even if he wasn’t as fast-speaking as he had used to be. 

In 2024, when Biden decided to run for reelection, it became crystal clear to nearly everyone that it was no longer relevant for Biden to run for office. 

The debate stage has shown itself to be the best platform for the public to gage whether or not a candidate is fit or unfit for office.

In truth, those who used Biden the most were probably the ones who abused him. 

That would mean his family, and the Obamas who preferred a puppet President that was electable rather than alternatives with lesser chances of getting elected. 

Ironically, the most impressive people were probably Biden’s medical staff. They kept him going rather well for nearly four years, much longer than most anticipated. 

But one thing is clear. The United States was being run for at least a year or two by somebody who was clearly unfit for office – and this could only happen due to the collusion of mass media, and hundreds of staff members who coddled Joe Biden rather than walk away from the fake Presidency.  

Avi Abelow, Pulse of Israel

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