Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - Liverpool - Sunday 4th May 2008

2 months ago

Michael Tsarion's investigations reveal the reason for the eradication of the Druids & highlight for the terrible campaign of genocide against the ancient Irish elders whose knowledge once enriched world culture. He exposes the true origins of the world’s premier secret societies & reveals the remarkable mysteries they have been sworn to guard by sword & deception. He shows that the elements of civilization - megalithic construction, writing, music, astronomy, astrology, medicine, farming, navigation, & most importantly the principles of religion, originated in Britain, Ireland & Scandinavia.

Every European needs to read this book to find out how the history of "Anglo-Saxon" man has been misrepresented & perverted. Michael explains the true meaning of the word Aryan & shows that it was the original name of Ireland. He explains the reason why so many tribes speak of the coming of the fair gods, the men of wisdom. He explains the connections between the Irish Druids and Egyptian Amenists & the ruin Akhenaton's Luciferian cult brought to Egypt & the world. As Michael wrote...

"What does it mean to live in the age of revealing? It means the light that royals & secret societies claim to adore is finally being shone brightly upon their own orders & ideologies. It means the Sun of Truth has finally risen to expose their once hidden machinery of tyranny and control…

…The auction of a whole civilization - the finest known - & the extermination of the Druids are two of many subjects brought to the limelight in these volumes. It is for this reason this author first chose - in Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - to deal with Atlantis & Lemuria, since it was from there the story of the ancestors of Gaels and Celts begins. If we are to seek out the origins of Arthurian legends & Welsh, Irish & Scottish myths, it is to lost Atlantis & Lemuria we are to look. And if we are to seek reasons why the true story of these places & peoples has not been revealed, we begin with the powers that dominate & rule mankind from behind the obvious thrones of religion & politics. These ruthless agencies have their origins in the ancient past, & are biological or ideological descendants of the sorcerers of Atlantis…

…For those hot on the trail of the world’s premier secret societies, this book will be an invaluable source of revelation. It alone reveals the intelligence behind Royalty, Masonry & Judeo-Christianity.”

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