Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen | Die Walküre: Act III (MET 1990-REUPLOAD)

2 months ago

Act III - The summit of a rocky mountain

The valkyries gather on the mountain, bearing heroes on their horses to take to Valhalla. Brünnhilde appears with Sieglinde and begs their protection against Wotan. But first she must save Sieglinde, whose wish for death changes to joy when she learns that she is carrying Siegmund's child, who will grow up to be a mighty hero named Siegfried. She agrees to flee, taking the fragments of the sword entrusted to her by Brünnhilde. As Wotan appears, Brünnhilde tries to hide among her sisters, but steps forward when he accuses her of cowardice. When he pronounces her banishment from Valhalla and her doom to be locked in sleep and forced to become the wife of the first man who finds her, the other valkyries are horrified; but when he threatens them with a similar fate they flee in terror.

Brünnhilde pleads with Wotan that she had really carried out his secret wish, knowing that he loved Siegmund, and tells how she had been moved by his pleading and his love for Sieglinde, but Wotan reproaches her for yielding to the claims of love while he has been forced to follow the stern path of duty. She begs that if she must become mortal she should not be left prey to the first comer but be given only to a hero - pointing out that Sieglinde will bear Siegmund's child and has the fragments of the sword. Wotan is finally moved and agrees to surround her with a wall of fire which only a man who knows no fear can cross. He kisses her to sleep, bids her a sad farewell and summons Loge to create a blaze around the rock, declaring that no one who fears his spear will be able to cross the flames.

1. Das Rheingold: https://rumble.com/v4anwmk-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-das-rheingold-met-1990.html

2. Die Walküre: Act I-II: https://rumble.com/v4avrsx-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-die-walkre-act-i-ii-met-1990.html

3. Siegfried Act I: https://rumble.com/v4beex3-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-siegfried-act-i-met-1990.html

4. Siegfried Act II: https://rumble.com/v4bhgwb-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-siegfried-act-ii-met-1990.html

5. Siegfried Act III: https://rumble.com/v4bhoco-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-siegfried-act-iii-met-1990.html

6. Götterdämmerung Act I: https://rumble.com/v4bml29-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-gtterdmmerung-act-i-met-1990.html

7. Götterdämmerung Act II-III: https://rumble.com/v4bn9ue-richard-wagners-der-ring-des-nibelungen-gtterdmmerung-act-ii-iii-met-1990.html

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