Armpit of America! Kamala Voter, Chunk Barkley still hates San Francisco.mp4

1 day ago

Charles Barkley has always hated the San Francisco Bay Area. Since killing the Warriors and Chris Webber in the 1993 playoffs, he has taken shots at the city "hella times". With the 2025 All Star game set to be at Chase Center in San Francisco, Chuck is freaking out. He already whined about it to Reggie Miller last year, talkin bout "homeless crooks" back in February 2024. In November, the former republican voted for Kamala Harris, former San Francisco District Attorney. Not only did SF crime get worse under Harris, she went after parents for their child's truancy cuz she had political capital. Meanwhile, Walgreens been locking up deodorant and razors and things have only gotten worse with the D.A.'s to follow Kamala. Each was woke and the latest, Brooke Jenkins, wants to be just like her and ascend to higher office too. Meanwhile, Count Cackula hopes we all have Kamalaflage in California so she can swap spots with fellow Willie Brown toady, Gavin Newscum. Greedy Gav can now run for prez in 28 and Kamala can have his leftovers. Progressives won't be giving up any time soon in California!

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