Rachel Maddow Mocks Trump's Ambassador And Hostage Envoy Picks… During Biden's Joke Administration

1 month ago

Posted • December 24, 2024: Maybe Rachel Maddow missed it, but Biden's entire admin has been a joke for the past four years, especially when it comes to dealing with foreign policy and of course, hostage situations. How absolutely brainless does she have to be to rant about Trump's ambassador and hostage envoy picks while Hamas still has American hostages? Then again, this is Maddow we're talking about … let's not pretend she's actually doing anything more than performing for the dozens of drunk cat ladies who still watch MSNBC. No offense to our Republican cat ladies who do not watch Maddow. Ahem. -- Rachel Maddow mocks Trump’s ambassador and hostage envoy picks. Biden oversaw the most embassy evacuations from any president in history. There are currently 7 American citizens still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists for over a year already. During Biden’s term, multiple countries had coups and their governments toppled. I’ll take mean tweets and world peace!

Maddow is so desperate to matter she'll clearly say anything. She's been doing it for years and years … remember when a court ruled she was nothing more than entertainment and her viewers know that? Good times. If the only time you show concern for the 7 Americans held hostage by Hamas is to blame Trump for appointing a special envoy to get them back, you really don't care about the hostages. Hatred for Trump has completely broken Rachel Maddow's moral compass. Psh, she'd have to have a moral compass first in order for it to be broken. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GfjHzBLagAAMu5C?format=jpg&name=small -- Why does anyone care what that man says? HAAAAAAAAAAA. LEAVE CHRIS HAYES ALONE! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - X BRUTALLY Reminds Rachel Maddow About Biden's JOKE Admin After She Mocks Trump's Hostage Envoy Picks

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